Hello and Welcome to Furb Breedables*
We hope you enjoy your visit to Main Sore !
If you do require any help then contact one off our Csr's using there online board *
If you need to put a ticket in please use our ticket system vendor*
Tell your friends and help us to share this beauty of the Furbs World !
Special charity auction Sunday Sept 6th at 9am slt where you can snatch our adorable medical team Furbs and help a good cause!
Greetings from Furb Team
Animesh Breedables in Second Life
Welcome to the Teulu Breedables!
Welcome to the Teulu Breedables!
We come from far far away… From a different planet!
Find out where to meet us by clicking HERE! You can join our Secondlife Group HERE
or get any support you need from our amazing team! HERE!
Monday, August 31, 2020
Hello and Welcome to Furb Breedables*
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Xmas Furb Competition Ends September 30, 2020
We will pick 3 winners !!
1st Winner : will receive Free LE plus 5% from any sales from there design
2nd Winner : will receive Free LE plus 3% from any sales from there design
3rd Winner : Will receive Free Le plus 5 x Pack Food & 5 x Candy Floss
Anyone that breeds furbs may enter the competition and must be breeding furbs to collect the prize, I will allow my Csr's to enter this competition , we will have 3 independent people to choose the winners no one in the furb team will have anything to do with the final winners that are chosen.
Drop your suggestions in our box at the main store , the closing date is 30th Sept 2020
Please do not forget you put your name on the notecard and only ONE entry per person :)
Hugs Sian, Princess, Furbella and Electra
Video Blog Winner for August 22, 2020
This weeks Blog Video winner is Smiles Mornington!
Congradulations from your Teulu Staff
August New Eyes and Traits to watch for
Many are asking about new eyes and traits
here is a list of latest ones:
Eyes released on August 10th and random
Black Tabby
Blue Skies
Demon-6th - angel -August 6th
Faerie - angel - August 6th
Zodiacs - Aries, Aquarius, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini, Leo, Libra,Ophiucus,Pisces,Sagitarius,Scorpio,Taurus,Virgo
Traits coats from Angel Furbs Demon and Faerie are Zodiacs
Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini, Leo, Libra,Ophiucus,Pisces,Sagitarius,Scorpio,Taurus,Virgo
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Video Blog Winner Emi Choi Aug 15th, 2020
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Blog Video Winner
This weeks Blog Video winner is εოi Čђoย ™ (emiliefeline)
Congradulations !
Thanks Your Teulu Staff
Crazy Patre Build Contest - Thank you from Teulu Staff
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Teulu Breedables - Dragon Area
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Auction Main Sim 1 pm SLT w/ Electra as Auctioneer
Friday, August 7, 2020
Angel Vendor Points Furbs - Demon and Faerie
These new Furbs are ONLY available from the Angel Points Vendor, they are OOAK so will not pass their coats, but do have the ability to pass the brand-new Zodiac coats 13 Different Ones, complete with matching eyes.
Come to the store and see if you have enough Angel Points for one, or maybe more! and be the first on the grid to get one! SLURL and Limo attached: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Urban%20Paradise/49/226/27

Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Look what you can Win in the Blog Fish Bowl
Rainbow Butterfly Shoulder Pet only at Crazy 1L Auction Area
Bunny Pink with Pink Mane and Tail
OMG OMG OMG ITS PINK MANES AND TAILS !!!!!!!!! BETTER GET THEM NOW !!!! Breed: Glyndwr Ceffyl (Kings Horse) Body: Bunny Pink Mane: Bunny...

Mark your calendars for Sunday, Sept 26th at 11amSLT. Welcome to Teulu Breedables Background Teulu Breedables released the first Animesh bre...
Die Glücklichen Gewinner des Weinhachtswettbewerb stehen fest Der 1 Platz Nexxis (Yoshio Oliphaunt) er erhält ein kostenlose LE plus 5% v...